Sunday, April 17, 2011

From size 24 to a size 6.



 Overall Goal: Lose Weight

Success Story

Stacey Calvin Won  in September 2009

Food was Stacey Calvin's passion. She ate for every reason imaginable—hungry, sad, happy, bored, or even when it was just there. She was creeping closer and closer to 300 pounds and wore a size 24.

"My favorite foods were pizza, fries, hamburgers, ice cream. Whatever was no good for you, I liked it. I found food to be a comfort to me. It made me feel good."

Even though the size 24s were tight, Stacey refused to go up another size. She felt unattractive and hated summertime because that meant she couldn't hide underneath a coat.

"I was physically out of shape. Emotionally I was insecure. The wintertime was best for me, because I could wear my big sweaters. I could wear my baggy clothes."

Stacey was so insecure about herself and her weight that she became concerned it might begin to affect her marriage. She had a great husband and four beautiful children who loved her, but Stacey wasn't fond of herself.

"I felt like I have this poor self-esteem about myself, how could he love me, and I didn't love myself, so if I didn't love myself how could anyone else love me?"

She needed to change. A friend recommended Turbo Jam®, but Stacey was hesitant. She thought it would just be another workout that didn't work. Going against her thoughts, she bought the energetic workout and fell in love with it during the very first workout. This would be the change she needed.

"The program felt like a party. It didn't feel like it was strenuous or too hard to do. It really felt like wow, I'm having fun!"

As an emotional eater, she fought obstacles and temptations daily, but she didn't let that derail her. If Stacey ate something bad, she now wouldn't dwell on it; she just moved on and kept Pushing Play. She utilized the Beachbody® online tools and tracked her food intake to help stay accountable.

"It gave me that feeling that I'm not in this by myself. There's other people going through the same struggles as I am. . . . All of these people share the same interests as me about fitness, about nutrition, about the struggles."

Stacey went from a size 24 to a size 6. When people ask her how she lost so much weight, she takes great pride in saying that she didn't join a gym; she worked out in the comfort of her own home. Her passion for food has been replaced by a passion for fitness. Stacey is now a Beachbody Coach so she can help others and is excited to say she has started Shaun T's new intense workout INSANITY™.For all of Stacey's hard work and dedication she is a September $1,000 winner in Beachbody's Million Dollar Body Game®.

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