Thursday, May 5, 2011

50 Cents -The Origin of me

I believe if you can control your body then you can control your future! Coach Rico
" I've never allowed my fear to limit me. I believe you can will your way into good situations. Go out and make things happen." 50 Cent

I'm excited about the first edition of Fired Up Thursday with the THE FITNESS FANATICS CREW.
You must create a vision for your goal. One of my mentors is 50 Cent. This young man went from the bottom to the top with the unstoppable believe in his own vision.

I created a physical and business look by using 50's transformation. You must believe you can achieve your goals. And be willing to work until they come true.

Create your goal (vision) and find a mentor that has accomplished what you want. And believe that whatever someone else has done you can do it. And you WILL RECEIVE WHAT YOU BELIEVE!

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