|  | Amy A.
Lost 30 lbs & 44 inches!"I've been that girl - sitting up in the middle of the night watching TV, wishing that a miracle pill would come on - looking for something to help, anything to help. Flirty Girl Fitness is something that can help! Anybody can do this, it doesn't matter how old you are, it doesn't matter how big you are - anybody can try this and anybody can enjoy it. It is so much fun. There is nothing to lose by trying this. It is the most fun I have had in my life!
I feel stronger and sexier and more motivated that ever to work out!. The pole fit workouts were incredible. They are very challenging and utilizing the pole I was able to build incredible muscle tone in my arms and my legs using it in different ways to stabilize myself."* | |
|  | Jeanne B.
Lost 30 lbs & 40 inches!"I've bought all new clothes! I went from a size 18 to 14 in just two months - and now I'm back down to my size 8 and 10s! It's once again fun to shop for clothes!
When you're doing the Flirty Girl Fitness workouts, not only are you working off the pounds, but you're also feeling a lot sexier doing it. It's not all about the outside; Flirty Girl Fitness also makes you feel different on the inside! It makes you feel sexy! It's so empowering to own your own femininity and to feel sexy again. You're never too old to be sexy, all you have to do is unlock it, release it and let it happen!"* | |
|  | Elizabeth M.
Lost 24 lbs & 39 inches!"Flirty Girl Fitness provided an exciting, well rounded and fresh approach to achieving my fitness goals. The innovative idea of combining pole dancing with cardio and strength training challenged my body beyond comparison! Having to lift your own body weight and swing yourself around a pole really provided motivation to lose excess pounds -- the lighter you are the less weight you have to pull up and manoeuvre around the pole!
Flirty Girl Fitness offers a fantastic fitness regime to not only look great but to feel great too! Even before the pounds started disappearing, I noticed that I felt sexier, happier and healthier. Being able to pole dance augmented my confidence and allowed me to tackle my day with a new fervour. I mean really, how many people can perform a one-handed swing around a pole and land it...gracefully! Now that takes strength, flexibility, confidence and a little sense of adventure; and that is what you get if you embark on a fitness journey with 'FlirtyGirl Fitness.' Happy swinging!!"* | |
|  | Tann M.
Lost 20 lbs & 30 inches!"I am an actress and the author of a self-help book that teaches loving yourself more, 'The Cinderella Syndrome: When the glass slipper no longer fits'. Both of these jobs require me to exude self-confidence and a strong sense of self-worth. However, around the time Flirty Girl Fitness came around I found myself in need of a serious self-esteem pick me up. I was going through some life changes and a lot of soul-searching and I started to lose myself... I really wanted to focus on me again. I wanted to love me again.
Flirty Girl Fitness awakened The Goddess in me that had been lying dormant, waiting for some reason to come into the light again. Not only did I get an incredible work out that helped me to lose 20 pounds and nearly 31'' off my entire body, but I had more fun in this class than I've had in any (that's right any) fitness class. I never thought pole dancing could quicken me in all the ways it did. It gave me back my self-confidence and increased my feelings of self worth. I literally felt more and more invincible after each workout."* | |
|  | Deanne J.
Lost 15 lbs & 25 inches!"Over the past few years I found myself wondering “how the heck did I get to this place in life!?!” I’ve always considered myself a very positive, pro-active and physically active person and now I found myself standing still at a life crossroad, stuck in a dead-end relationship, ok ~ but not so challenging career and the like. We’ve all been there and like so many other folks before me, I unconsciously turned to food to drown my sorrows and offer cozy comfort. I quickly discovered, unfortunately, just how easy it is to put on weight and how hard it can be to healthily lose it. YIKES!!
After being totally frustrated and quite disgusted with myself for “going there”…I decided that I had to do something about it. I truly wanted myself back!!! Luckily, at that turning-point junction, I found Flirty Girl Fitness. In the past I was a spin-class, yoga-class, gym-junkie and I burned myself out from fitness monotony. With Flirty Girl Fitness not only did I experience fun, varied, sexy and empowering-type workout, but I also enjoyed meeting a group of fabulous women of all ages, shapes and sizes, who joined the program for their own reasons. Flirty Girl Fitness is not only a great workout but definitely helped bring "my sexy” back! Who knew that pole and chair dancing are soooo much fun! Plus, the pole and chair fitness programs really helped tone and shape my body.
Over the course of 3 months I experienced wonderful things… lost over 15 lbs. and approx. 25-inches, plus actually enjoyed the process!! WOW! ~ The results speak for themselves but most importantly, the Flirty Girl Fitness program helped bring back my inner confidence and inner sexiness that had temporarily gone astray. Today, I’m very happy, successfully traveling my fitness path, in great health and dating an amazing man! What more can a gal ask for?? Always, always remember to never give up on yourself. Thank you Flirty Girl Fitness!"* | |
|  | Rebekah D.
Lost 23 inches!"I absolutely love the Flirty Girl workouts. They are fantastic! They make you feel sexy and confident and you get a fantastic workout... It's fun. The Flirty Girl Fitness program is fun!
"Not only did I lose pounds and 23 1/2 inches, I lost dress sizes! I went from a size 9 to a size 4/6 and that feels fantastic. I had beautiful outfits that I hadn't been able to wear for 5 years and now I can put myself into them and I don't have to go out and buy new stuff which saves me in my pocket book as well!"* | |
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|  | Janee T.
Lost 22 inches!"When I'm doing the dances and the workouts, I feel totally sexy. And I wasn't feeling that way before. My confidence level now is through the roof! I feel now, since starting the Flirty Girl program, I can walk into any room and exude that confidence and basically that Flirty Girl attitude anywhere that I go now. It's helped me tremendously with the workout and with my outer life as well."* | |
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|  | Vanessa M.
Lost 23 inches!"Even with all the workouts that I had done in the past, I had never gotten the results that I got with the Flirty Girl Fitness program. I mean 23 inches - that's huge!"* | |
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|  | Leticia C.
Lost over 20 inches!"Flirty Girl Fitness really makes you feel so sexy and without realizing at the end of it you start seeing these muscles and all this definition. It is so much fun - Flirty Girl Fitness workouts were different because you enjoy them. It never gets boring."* | |
|  | Calais R.
Lost 23 inches! "My experience with Flirty Girls was absolutely positively transforming. Before I embarked upon this journey I was at a place in my life where I needed to be physically and mentally challenged. Flirty Girl Fitness fulfilled that craving by having me set a goal and encouraging me to reach it... and after all those fun, "Girl Power" classes, I rose to the top of my game. I felt fit, healthy, confident, sexy and empowered! I don't think there is a better combination for us ladies. Flirty Girls only brings out of you what's already there!"* | |
|  | Erin H.
Lost 25 inches! "I feel great when I’m doing Flirty Girl Fitness. I feel strong and I don’t want to stop - it gives me the adrenaline rush like a runner’s high. It really makes me remember how it feels to be in my body and to be present in my body and really feel “me” coming back. If somebody had said to me at the beginning of the year that I would be dancing on a pole, I probably would have laughed in their face and told them that they were crazy and they should get help. I love the pole fit workout - the lunges and the squats. I love challenge and I need the challenge. I love that it incorporates every part of your body and that it strengthens and tones and it - - it’s definitely changed my body. I can’t believe how it’s changed my body. It’s amazing!"* | |
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|  | Leslie B.
Lost 25 inches!"I feel amazing. I feel sexier. I feel thinner. I feel like I have definitely earned the whistles I get when I am walking down the street. Even if I am in a parking lot, I see someone stop what they are doing and I see them turn all around to look at me – I think, “yes” I’ve earned that."* | |
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|  | Tammy L.
Lost 23 inches!"It’s such a good feeling to be able to look at yourself in the mirror and think, wow, I look good, I look thin AND I look pretty hot now! I have lost the stomach weight, my arms have tightened up and my whole body has just thinned out. I had so much fun doing the pole dances. It was so liberating and so much fun, plus it’s a really good workout. Who knew that you could gain so much strength just swinging on a pole? I’m so excited - it’s such a good feeling."* | |
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|  | Amy A.
Lost 26 inches!"Flirty Girl Fitness is not a typical workout where you're counting the seconds until it's done. It is super fun and makes you feel super sexy while producing dramatic results. I lost over 24 inches from all over my body, toned up, and looked and felt amazing. When you can combine fitness, sexiness and a little naughtiness AND get great results, that is a great program and that defines Flirty Girl Fitness."* | |
|  | Tracy E.
Lost 14 lbs & 23 inches! "Why not try something that is going to make you feel good and really honor yourself as a woman? The results that I have received from Flirty Girl Fitness have been amazing. The program really conditions and strengthens your core, tightening everything so you are able to exercise better overall. I think that it is something every woman should do for herself. Putting in the dedication has made me feel wonderful and part of something every woman should do."* | |
|  | Boce M.
Lost over 10 inches!"Being a part of Flirty Girl Fitness has put me back in touch with the fun-loving, exotic woman within. It taught me how to creatively express that which only a woman can do and feel. I did this for me. My goal was to get shaped, toned and lose weight because it helps me stand taller and support my frame with greater ease. Flirty Girl Fitness made it a fun process."* | |
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